Our Vision and Mission
Joining together on a journey of Christian faith, we seek to be disciples of Christ and to share God’s love in our community and around the world.
We do this as we:
Glorify God, Grow Disciples, Meet Human Need
Our Denomination
Fort Hill Presbyterian Church is a member of the Foothills Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church (USA). In 1983 in Atlanta, Georgia, the United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. and the Presbyterian Church in the United States voted to reunite and become the Presbyterian Church (USA). The symbol shown here is the seal of the new denomination born in 1983.
For more detailed information on what the Presbyterian Church (USA) believes, please click here.
Our Government
The Presbyterian Church is a representative democracy. It governs itself by representatives chosen from the local congregation. There are four levels of government. The local church is governed by the “Session” which is made up of all our Pastors (Teaching Elders) and Ruling Elders elected by the local congregation. The next level is the “Presbytery”. Fort Hill Presbyterian Church is a member of Foothills Presbytery which is comprised of every minister and at least one Elder from each of the Presbyterian congregations in the upstate of South Carolina. The next level is the “Synod”. Fort Hill Presbyterian Church is part of the South Atlantic Synod whose boundaries include the states of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. The highest level of government is the “General Assembly” which is made up of representatives from each Presbytery within the denomination according to the number of members in the Presbytery.
The Session of Fort Hill Presbyterian Church is governed by The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA). This includes Part I – Book of Confessions and Part II – Book of Order. The local Session has chosen to develop additionally an Organizational Manual. This manual is revised and updated by the Session working through the elders and the Standing Ministries.