Adult Ministry
Please join us for one of the following faith and community-building opportunities:
This class meets by Zoom at 9:00 am on Sundays and they are studying the book of Ephesians supplemented by Bible Study Guide by N.T. Wright, Bible Commentary by William Barclay, Introducing the New Testament by Mark Allan Powell and notes from additional resources. Please contact Bob Stout for more information (or call the church office).
Kindred Spirits
This class is meeting at 9:30 am in the Club Room on Sundays and they are studying the book of Revelation using the book Revelation: Everyday Bible Commentary (v2018) by Charles C. Ryrie. Please contact John and Cindy Prather or Ben and Cindy Trammell for more information (or call the church office).
Wednesday Bible Study
We are offering a study of Pause: Spending Lent with the Psalms by Elizabeth F. Caldwell for the Lenten season. Beginning on February 21 there will be two opportunities each Wednesday to gather in the Club Room for the same study, one at 10:00 am and again in the evening at 6:00 pm. We Please contact Jacob Kennedy for more information, to sign up, and to order your book (by February 11).
The Congregational Fellowship Ministry works to strengthen the body of Fort Hill Church through an active program for all members. The ministry has the responsibility for developing programs that will strengthen Christian fellowship among members and increase their ability to interact with each other in the spirit of love.
Specific areas that fall under the umbrella of this ministry include:
- Presbyterian Women — the national women’s organization of the Presbyterian Church USA.
- Men of the Church — a men’s fellowship group that gather’s monthly for breakfast and a program.
- Congregational Dinner — the annual congregation wide fellowship dinner.
- Church-wide Retreat — a yearly event where interested church members of all ages gather in another location for Bible study, community building and sabbath.
- Fellowship Dinners — bring opportunities to partner with other ministries by supporting special programming that is enhanced by a communal meal.
- Coffee House — join with the whole church in celebrating the talent that rises from the lives of all ages through singing, dance, comedy, drama, the arts of all kinds and just pure fun.
- Summer Sunday Breakfasts — in an effort to keep connected during our summer months, this ministry organizes a monthly breakfast during the Sunday School hour the first Sunday of each month.
- Special Events are planned for our members who live in local retirement communities such as Clemson Downs, Foothills Presbyterian Community in Easley, and Keowee Key.
Men of the Church
The Men of the Church meet the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 am for breakfast and fellowship in Tartan Hall. You can get the best breakfast in town for just $5.00. Proceeds from breakfasts are used to help support local and Presbyterian charities.
For more information on the Men of the Church and their activities, please click here.
Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women (PW) is the national women’s organization of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The purpose of PW is to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study, to support the mission of the Church worldwide, to work for justice and peace, and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.
Women are a vital part of Fort Hill Presbyterian Church and PW invites every woman to participate in any way and to any extent she can. There is a place at FHPC for every woman. Our goal is to help each woman find a place for herself and her talents in one of the Christian Fellowship Circle Meetings. Each circle meets regularly for socializing, Bible study, prayer, support for the concerns of Fort Hill’s congregation, the community and the world.
Carolyn Stroup would be delighted to talk with you about PW, provide any information you might need, and help you choose a circle on the basis of your interests. You may contact the Church Office for the Circle meeting times and locations.
Pansy Duke Scholarship and Application
The Pansy Duke Scholarship has been established by Ms. Pansy E. Duke, a longtime and faithful member of the Fort Hill Presbyterian Church, Clemson, SC. Pansy served Fort Hill as Director of Christian Education beginning in March 1981 until her final retirement as Parish Visitor in November 2015. Pansy attended Montreat College (1956-1959), graduated from Flora MacDonald College in 1960. She then serves as the youngest missionary without experience in the denomination teaching children of missionaries in Brazil. In 1965 she received her Masters of Christian Education degree from the Presbyterian School of Christian Education in Richmond, VA. She served as Director of Christian Education and Youth Director in Presbyterian churches in Florence, SC, Morristown and Nashville, TN, and Tampa, FL. Her ministry at Fort Hill fostered faith in children, youth, and young adults as well as all ages of adults through Christian educational programs in Clemson, at Montreat, and on many retreats and mission trips. She played the key role in organizing the first “return to Bethlehem” in 1990. Her love of discipleship in Jesus Christ is the foundation of the Scholarship to provide for supporting persons seeking to live out their vocation in Christ. The Scholarship is awarded annually to qualified individuals based on leadership, academic excellence, and the commitment to explore means to attain a life of faith-based servant leadership. All qualified individuals with exceptional leadership and faith-based service, including seminary-bound students are encouraged to apply and will be equally considered. Strong candidates will have demonstrated a commitment to the Presbyterian Church (USA) and service to others. A limited number of awards are available each year. The Scholarship may be renewable provided a recipient is involved in meaningful ways in the life of the Church and in service to others and remains in good academic standing.
For more information and the application, click here.